• Privacy Policy

    Minamida Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of personal information (name, address, date of birth, telephone number, and other proprietary information) and is committed to handling and protecting such information in an appropriate manner in accordance with the following guidelines. By using our website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), you are deemed to have agreed to this Privacy Policy.

  • Collection of Personal Information

    When using this site, we may collect personal information in order to continue to provide you with better service. The scope of personal information collected shall be the minimum necessary to achieve the purpose of collection, and in handling such information, we shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and our company's rules and regulations.

  • Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    We will use the personal information we receive from our customers within the scope necessary for the following purposes.

    • To contact customers to answer or confirm inquiries, etc.
    • To inform customers of new products, performance, and services.
    • To send information about our services.
    • To send questionnaires asking about products, performance, services, etc. desired by customers.
    • To conduct analysis to improve our services.
    • To provide services that are suited to the customer's needs.
  • Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

    In principle, we will not disclose to any third party the personal data we have obtained from our customers, except in the following cases

    • When the customer agrees to the disclosure after specifying the recipient and the content of the information to be disclosed.
    • When we request a delivery company to deliver our products.
    • When we request a subcontractor to perform work for us.
  • Management and Protection of Personal Information

    We will appropriately manage the personal information we collect from our customers and strive to prevent its loss, destruction, falsification, unauthorized access, leakage, etc.

  • Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

    We make every effort to keep personal information as accurate and up-to-date as possible. In order to correct or delete personal information, the customer should contact the following contact point. In order to prevent leakage of personal information to third parties, we will respond to such requests only after we have confirmed that the request is made by the customer.

  • Revision of Privacy Policy

    We will review and revise our privacy policy (personal information protection policy) from time to time. The revised Privacy Policy will be promptly posted on this website.

  • Contact for Inquiries

    For inquiries regarding our privacy policy (personal information protection policy), please contact the following

    Minamida Co.,Ltd.
    5-20-1, kamio-cho, Yao, Osaka Japan 581-0851